Thursday, March 12, 2009

At a Glance pg. 174/ Multimedia Assignment

At a Glance pg. 174
Revising Draft-
Reading the paper a loud helps tremendously finding typos and missing words that I unknowingly skipped when I was reading . I looked over the Peer Review Questions and it appears that I have minimal corrections with grammar and in content. A few suggestions were made and I intend to consider them. After review by my partners and Amy, I am going to work on my verb choose better using passive and active voice, a better explaination at the end of paragraphs that connect the importance of the section in my own interpretation, better trasitions that help keep the structure of the section and paragraphs, and I am going to insert a timeline to help as visual aid to help the reader understand the time progression of the section of history. Lastly, I will try to cut it down to make it shorter or more consice if possible.

Multimedia Assignment
This assignment will be very time and work intensive because includes different forms of media to support observations.
Ideas: I was thinking about reviewing a book vs. a movie. Maybe using quotes from the book, clips from the movies, and music combining them into a video. The purpose would be to support a thesis about the subject matter. Such as, the theme of the difference between media. Which is more effective and a better way to get across the importance of an issue a book or a movie.
In addition we could show how media has influenced us today and will continue to do so in the future. We can show how it has shaped our identity, society, and culture positively and negatively.
Technology: ads, photos, websites, videos, clips, and blogs. I would like some exposure doing mp3 because I have not learned how to do so.
Questions: I am not sure what our overall theme should be. Do you all have any suggestions that we can connect all the media to support it?
Would we try to persuade the audience of the effectiveness ? Or do we try to inform the audience of the importance of the subject? And/or both?

1 comment:

  1. nice topic idea - after all, I always hear people debating which is better - you could also consider the larger impact - is it better to read a classic book or watch the movie? While a podcast would be interesting, you'll want a move visual medium. As for the audience, you could address both the importance of your topic to hook their interest and then persuade them of your argument.
