Thursday, April 9, 2009

Page 219 and Group Discussion

What format will your presentation take?
I am planning on using PowerPoint format and transfer it to the video. The video will utilize transitions, music, and clips as well. The powerpoint presentation within the movie will keep the audience hooked into the topic.

What materials do you plan to use in your presentation?
We are planning on using materials such as interviews, clips from movies and TV shows, and of course pictures that represents the information in the PowerPoint slide show and movie.

What might be a potential outline for your presentation?
The presentation will include sub-categories in the following areas pertaining to American culture:
1. Introduction to key points in the presentation and interview-Elise
2. History of sex in the media and in American homes (Progression in History)-Dana
3. Sex in American homes today (more in depth)- Tim
4. Sex in the media today (more in depth)- Rachel

Group Discussion:
Our group discussed that we are focusing on audience of college students. The purpose is to make the class and audience aware of many of the tools used by the media to convey sex that may be obvious or not.

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